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Conheça 30 pequenos paraísos do Paraná que provavelmente você nunca ouviu falar, mas que nunca mais vai esquecer.

Hi people, Elzinga here, and for those of you who are enjoying getting to know the small paradises of each state, today is the day to discover the most beautiful cities in Paraná, with up to 30,000 inhabitants. So, without further ado, hit the like button, subscribe to the channel, if you’re new here, and let’s go. And let’s start with SAPOPEMA, with almost 7,000 inhabitants, right in the interior of Paraná. It is mainly sought after by adventurers looking to visit AGUDO PEAK, which is 1,200 meters high. But in addition, other highlights are LAMBARI WATERFALL, BELA VISTA, WATERFALL FRANÇA WATERFALL, THE STONE HOUSE, LANDS’ FLAVOUR ROUTE, and ORQUÍDEAS WATERFALL. How about QUATRO PONTES? It is a small city of 4,000 inhabitants that has already figured as one of the 100 richest cities in Brazil, in addition to having a good HDI, second only to Maringá and Curitiba in Paraná. This is said to be one of the best cities to live in the state. Also visit RIBEIRÃO CLARO, with 10 thousand inhabitants, a city marked by the historic coffee tree, but which has currently grown a lot in the tourist scene. Some nice attractions of the city are the HAWK’S HILL at 850 meters above sea level, the ÍNDIO’S STONE RAMP, the MONTE BELLO FARM which is part of the Coffee Route, the PINHALZINHO FARM, the PENSIL BRIDGE on the border with the State of São Paulo, which was listed as State Historical Heritage , and the BRIDE’S VEIL CASCADE. ARAPOTI you will be delighted too. It is a city of 28 thousand inhabitants that has a cultural tourism route called GREEN LINE, where you can visit incredible places such as the headquarters of CAPÃO BONITO FARM, LITTLE WATERFALL PARK, HOUSE OF CULTURE, PRODUCER’S FAIR , DUTCH MILL and the DUTCH COLONY. Other highlights are ARAUCO WATERFALL, CERRADO CANYON and CAVALCANTI WATERFALL. The next city on our list is PUERTO RICO, with its 2,500 inhabitants, which curiously bears the same name as the country. There, people go looking for a lot to enjoy the fresh water beaches and take boat trips and nautical sports. The main attractions are SANTA ROSA BEACH, CARIOCA BEACH, TOCO BEACH, MUTUM’S ISLAND HEAD, SÃO JOSÉ BEACH PORT, MINEIRA ISLAND BEACH, and of course, AQUA PARK. And SENGES, do you know? It is a city of 19 thousand inhabitants on the border with São Paulo, considered the “Wood Capital” and a place of enchanting nature full of canyons, waterfalls and trails, even though it is little visited. Some interesting tourist attractions are the JAGUARICATU CANYON, the main tourist spot in Sengés, also the ENCANTO WELL , a small blue lagoon, and also the 60 WATERFALLS that exist there, such as BRIDE’S VEIL, CORISCO WATERFALL, the BARON’S WATERFALL and FUNNEL WATERFALL. And how about GUARAQUEÇABA with just over 7,000 inhabitants? It is a city on the coast of Paraná that still preserves the environment of the indigenous natives who inhabited the region, in addition to having been one of the first occupations of the state by the Portuguese. This is a charming place with incredible views, especially of the bays of Paranaguá and Laranjeiras and also of Serra do Mar. Over there, the highlight is the Superagui National Park , a complex of several islands, deserted beaches, mangroves, salt marshes and countless species of animals and plants that was declared a Biosphere Reserve and Natural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. But in addition to this, the MORATO NATURAL RESERVE WATERFALL, the SEBUÍ ECOLOGICAL RESERVE, the QUITUMBÊ HILL and the MORRETES TIP stand out. Cool right? Another city you will like to visit is SÃO MANOEL DO PARANÁ, with 2,000 inhabitants, named in honor of the Portuguese saint of patience. There, it is where the largest Private Reserve of Natural Heritage of the Northwest of Paraná is found: the CARAGUATATIBA RESERVE, with more than 200 thousand hectares of forest full of different species of flora and fauna. In the reserve, there are several trails, and on one of them you can reach the BLACK LAKE, a highlight of the region that has nothing to do with the name they gave to it. And how about PHOENIX with its nearly 5,000 inhabitants? And maybe you understand the reason for its name, because when the Paraná region was a territory of Spain, the Jesuits had founded a city ​​a little further north to catechize the Indians. Then, in 1632, the explorers besieged, destroyed and burned everything, and a long time later the city was rebuilt: like a phoenix that comes back from the ashes. The great highlight there, certainly, are the RUINS of the second foundation of Vila Rica do Espírito Santo. TIJUCAS DO SUL with 17 thousand inhabitants also deserves to be featured in this video. One for being a city that emerged in the first decades after the discovery of Brazil. Another for having been the stage of the Federalist Revolution of 1893. And another for the beauty of the region with the sources of the NEGRO RIVER and VÁRZEA’S RIVER, in addition to waterfalls, valleys, dams, mountain ranges and many other things. Some of the highlights are the RECANTO SALTINHO PARK, the SALTINHO WATERFALL, the PERDIDOS WATERFALL, the AMBRÓSIOS PATH, the ARAÇATUBA PEAK and the ITARARÉ’S RIVER WATERFALLS. Another place is MARIÓPOLIS, with its 6,600 inhabitants, a place colonized by people from Serra Gaúcha in the 1960s who planted grapes and who made the city known today as the “Land of Grapes”. There is a Grape Festival there, like the one in Caxias do Sul, but in smaller proportions, and they even have a tourist itinerary called MARIÓPOLIS GRAPE’S PATH, which is well worth a visit. ALTONIA with just over 22 thousand people, a paradise on the border with Mato Grosso do Sul and which belongs to the area of ​​the ILHA GRANDE NATIONAL PARK, a Brazilian conservation unit of integral protection to nature. One of the main highlights of Altônia is the XAMBRÊ LAGOON, very important for the maintenance of fish species in the Paraná River. Also CARAMBEÍ, home to more than 24,000 inhabitants, founded by Dutch immigrants at the beginning of the 20th century and which belongs to the Campos Gerais region and is part of the Troopers Route. Some of the city’s interesting attractions are the TAMANDUÁ WATERFALL, the IMMACULATE CONCEIÇÃO CHAPEL , the ARTESÃO MILL, the MONUMENT TO THE BIBLE, the TAMAN BOTOE ORCHIDARY AND CACTARY, the CARAMBEÍ HISTORICAL PARK, considered one of the largest open-air museums in Brazil that occupies an area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers, the CAMPOS GERAIS NATIONAL PARK and the ALAGADOS DAM. So, are you getting to know a lot of new stuff today? Comment down there. Leave your mark. And if you already know any of these small towns, use #MinhaFotoNoElzinga when posting something on social media and the best photos will be reposted. And if you liked my shirt, go in the description that has the link to Tu Shirts, a store that makes t-shirts with personalized prints from each region of Brazil. This is the one from Paraná. Continuing… CAPITÃO LEÔNIDAS MARQUES with almost 16 thousand inhabitants and its nearly 100 rock carvings found in the archaeological site of the city that date back more than 4 thousand years. PÉROLA, with 11 thousand inhabitants, a city full of trails, waterfalls and natural pools. One of the highlights there is the "EU VOU DE BIKE" INTERNATIONAL CIRCUIT, where several cyclists from Brazil and other countries in South America come to participate. PONTAL DO PARANÁ with 28 thousand inhabitants, a coastal city next to Paranaguá and divided into 48 resorts that give their name to the city’s neighborhoods, such as SANTA TEREZINHA, which is very popular for its nightlife and surfing. PRAIA DO LESTE, IPANEMA, SHANGRI-LÁ and PONTAL DO SUL are also some good highlights in the city, as well as typical festivals such as TAINHA’S FEST, CAMARÃO’S FEST, and CAMACHO, which is a mixture of shrimp with draft beer, the CARANGUEJO FESTIVAL, and the SÃO JOSÉ FEST, the city’s patron saint. ASSAÍ with almost 15 thousand inhabitants, the “City of the Japanese”, precisely because it was founded by immigrants from Japan, and where the first Tanabata festival took place in Brazil in 1978, which is a party that celebrates a very famous legend. There, you can find the famous Sakuras, which we call Japanese cherry trees, also ipe trees of the most varied colors and also quaresmeiras. Some highlights are the JAPANESE IMMIGRATION MEMORIAL , which celebrated 110 years of Japanese immigration in 2018, built on the highest point of the city and inspired by the castle of Himeji. Also the SHOSHINJI BUDDHIST TEMPLE . And the TENRIKYO TRÊS BARRAS CHURCH. And how about BALSA NOVA with 13 thousand inhabitants? Here is a city named after a ferry that the first residents built to cross the Iguaçu River. One of the highlights there is the OLD BRIDGE over the Papagaios’s River, which even received a visit from Dom Pedro II in the past. The work was listed as a Historic and Cultural Heritage and is considered a monument of Brazilian engineering. This bridge is really worth a visit once in a lifetime, at least. Also ANTONINA, coastal and historic city surrounded by the mountains of Serra do Mar and the Bay of Antonina. The city is home to almost 19,000 people and has a historic center listed by IPHAN, full of colonial houses and also some ruins of the old port, which is what is left from the golden age when yerba mate was exported from the interior of Paraná. Some cool activities in the city are visiting the WATERFALL RIVER to practice rafting, also the BAIRRO ALTO road, the CHURCH OF OUR LADY DO PILAR, the ANTONINA BAY, and of course, go up to PARANÁ’S PEAK, the highest point in the south of Brazil at 1,962 meters of altitude. Just a curiosity, it is in Antonina that the incomparable GRACIOSA’S ROAD has its beginning… or its end. It depends which side you come from. MORRETES is another unique place in Paraná. It is a city with just over 16 thousand inhabitants and, like Antonina, it is also surrounded by the Serra and the coast of Paraná, in addition to having very well preserved old mansions, worthy of a city founded in 1733. Morretes has a unique nature in the forest Atlantic and is full of rivers and waterfalls. Some highlights there are: the STREET COASTING THE NHUNDIAQUARA RIVER, the NHUNDIAQUARA RIVER itself, the MARUMBI PEAK at 1,539 meters of altitude, the CURITIBA/MORRETES TRAIN TOUR that passes through incredible places, and of course, you can’t forget BARREADO, a typical dish of the region that is very popular among visitors. QUATRO BARRAS, with 24 thousand inhabitants and 42% of its territory preserved. It is a place with many natural and historical attractions. Some good examples are the ITUPAVA’S PATH, the oldest known road in Paraná, which was once the main route of communication between the first plateau in Paraná and the coastal plain before the conclusion of Graciosa’s Road. This path is really interesting. There are more than 20 kilometers of extension connecting the city to Mortetes on a route paved by stones placed by slaves in the 17th century. Another interesting place is the ANHANGAVA HILL with 1,400 meters of altitude, also GRACIOSA’S PORTAL, HOUSE OF STONE, the IRAÍ DAM, NEWTON FREIRE MAIA SCIENCE PARK and BAITACA’S SIERRA. Another place is ITAPEJARA D’OESTE, with 12 thousand inhabitants, which split from Pato Branco and Francisco Beltrão in the past and was occupied by people from Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. The great highlight of the city is the SALTO GRANDE. FAXINAL, with 17 thousand inhabitants, the “Capital of Adventure”, and one of the most incredible places in all of Paraná with spectacular landscapes and more than 100 unique waterfalls, such as CHICÃO 1, 2 and 3, FOUNTAIN WATERFALL, BRIDE’S VEIL WATERFALL, the SÃO PEDRO WATERFALL and the PERNAMBUCO WATERFALL. And how about JATAIZINHO with almost 13 thousand people? Jataizinho has the beginning of its history in a reduction Jesuit Spanish that was extinguished by the pioneers and continued to exist thanks to diamond exploration in Rio Tibagi in the 17th century is a place regarded as "Ceramic City" mainly due to the production of bricks more varied types. And Tibagi, do you know? Tibagi is home to 20,000 people and is famous for its natural beauty and adventure sports, as well as being one of the oldest cities in the state. It is there that the GUARTELÁ STATE PARK is located, which houses the IAPÓ RIVER CANYON, the longest in Brazil and the 6th longest in the world, also the ROCK BRIDGE WATERFALL which has a natural bridge crossing the waterfall and also the PANELS OF THE DRAINAGE. But in addition, other highlights are the SAFARI’S FARM, an ecological corner in the middle of the Atlantic Forest, the COMUNA HILL, the SETE QUEDAS SITE, the ALLIGATOR’S HILL that looks like an alligator head, SANTA ROSA WATERFALL, the PAREDÃO DOWNHILL, and also NICK’S CRACK that was recently discovered and that has been attracting people from all over Brazil. And to finish our video, get to know ITAIPULÂNDIA with just over 11 thousand inhabitants, a city that had more than half of its land for planting flooded by the lake of the Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant in the late 1970s, but which remains strong in the agriculture. The main highlights of Itaipulândia are the LEISURE PARK implemented in the Jacutinga Line Tourist Terminal, the MONUMENT TO OUR LADY APARECIDA with 26 meters, all in tiles and finished in marble, the INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF DOURADO IN THE CAROUSEL, which is basically a party that bakes the goldfish on a carousel-shaped grill ; in addition to several options for those looking for adventures to the tranquility of the countryside. Well, that was it. If you liked the video, pass it on. If you didn’t like it, I don’t even know why you watched it so far. That’s it for today people. A kiss on your tits with all the respect in the world, until next time. Bye!


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