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Do you want to travel outside of Brazil next year for very little money? I bring here seven cheap countries for you to leave Brazil for very little money. I bring them here with the entire report so you can just travel and save a lot, some things I need to talk about, I put everything in euro even if it’s in Europe outside of Europe so we can round it up and have a single currency the Euro is around 5.28 530 I rounded it up to 550 so you can have an approximate expense and spend even less than I’ll say something else too which is important I provided food that’s right I provided food in Europe for €50 among other expenses per day times 7 which was 1925 already outside of Europe 20 x 7 was 770 Remembering that I rounded this trip to 7 days you can stay 10 15 20 And then, of course, it will be proportional to what you stay and what you will spend, if you are going to stay 10 days, 15 days, add 30 35% more to this total budget. Remembering that the biggest expense will be the airfare, if you are there you can save with other expenses beauty for those who don’t know me I’m Álvaro Fernandes journalist and creator here of structuring 10 so subscribe to the channel activate notifications so you don’t miss anything and don’t miss out on anything here there are digital accounts hi nomad that I use a lot in addition to saving money You have bonuses, you have a lot of advantages, you have these digital accounts with no annual fee, among other things, you also have travel insurance here that allows you to save up to 70% and you won’t have to miss out, now let’s get to the point, the first country on the list Remembering that all countries will also have the Playlist here, the countries I have been to will also appear on the cards so you can know a little more about these places, the first country on the list is Portugal, I found the air ticket for 3711, also remembering that the tickets I entered always the prices above and without promotion, for example for Portugal you can get it there São Paulo Rio de Janeiro Brasília for 3,000 3100 but I rounded everything up so that the planning is even more comfortable for you when traveling 3711 on a ticket and the accommodation was 2,601 divided for 2 it was 1,300 already with food 1925 plus 511 of the total it was 6,936 the total Remembering that Portugal you can stay there for a month and you won’t know even half of the things despite being a small country there is Madeira Island which I have been to Porto there’s Cintra there’s a lot of cool places Aveiro you can stay there for a long time and you ‘ll get to know different things in Portugal and the second one on the list I put Croatia the ticket 4299 plus 1809 accommodation which was 94 divided by 2 right it was 5203 plus food which was 1925 was 7,128 Remembering that it can be a little scary, the ticket to Croatia is almost 4300, you can go to other destinations and then buy an internal ticket, for example if I go to Portugal the ticket was 3711 and an internal section is more or less R 100 So you it will save you about R500 on the ticket, but as I included a direct flight there to Zagreb, so you can get an idea of ​​how much a flight leaving Brazil goes directly to Croatia is. Remembering that Croatia has a lot of cool things to do since brov Nick zagreb the capital wava split has a lot of cool things even if you stay for 15 days like I did you will see a good part of croá there in third place the darling Spain with Barcelona Malaga Madrid has a lot of cool things the ticket cost 3,519 and the accommodation by 3448 divided 1724 already with food, right 5243 plus 1925 gave 7168 Remembering that all these destinations I’m talking about you can add other places you can do Spain and Portugal you can do Italy and Croatia so there are several places there where you can put this It’s just a suggestion so you already have the itinerary more or less prepared when you travel to another cheap destination that also made it onto my list of favorites. It’s definitely Romania. You can go to Romania for 4113 for a ticket 2110 for accommodation which costs 1.55 per person accommodation in a good hotel in Romania which was 5168 but the 1925 for food was 7,093 Remembering that Bucharest, the capital of Romania, has a lot of cool things to do and is a relatively cheap and safe country , so you will definitely venture into the land of Dracula eat well and also drink different types of drinks drinks beers paying much less than Europe even in the center of Europe now Argentina, a beloved country here in South America R 866 for a round trip ticket 14$ 1470 and 735 divided by two accommodation may be different from the screen but I have a video here that explains how to save up to 50% there on accommodation so that the price is much cheaper with the food that we put there outside of Europe for 770, it gave you a total of 2,371 for you to spend S days in Buenos Aires Remembering that Buenos Aires really is an incredible place where you can eat well buy well and have a lot of fun and sixth on the list Colombia with several beautiful beaches the Colombian Caribbean which is in San Andreas has Cartagena has Bogotá has a lot of cool things to do 2178 The ticket already for accommodation 2300 which was 150 per person I put it in San Andreas at the hotel plus 770 food extra food was 4098 Remembering that there is a video of me here too sandras Cartagena you can stay there in resorts you can stay in several different places I recommend staying at least three days in Cartagena and about four days in San Andreas if you want to visit the Colombian capital also Add two more days in Bogotá because it’s really worth it and the last on the list but not least important is Morocco which is close to Europe in Africa, close to Spain and Portugal, ticket 4533 plus 2381 accommodation, right? dividing it by 2190 plus 770 for food gave 6,493 Remembering that the ticket is a little expensive but you can do what I said and from Portugal to Spain you will spend 3,000 3,000 or so and there take a round trip flight you will spend less R$ 300, in other words, a saving of R 1,000, but I’m always doing the planning a little more expensive. Why did you see that the planning was 7,000 ? the correct planning oh it was 4,500 then when you go to see the Euro it’s more expensive the dollar is more expensive things have increased inflation has increased so what are you going to do you’re going to end up spending more so by doing this and it stays valid then this budget let’s say like this for 2 3 4 years, if you watch my videos from 2022, it’s still almost right for 2024 2025 because I make this margin a little higher. Of course, with air miles with points, you’ll save even more and did you like the planning for Which country are you going to travel to on your next vacation or in your next plans, put it here in the comments and I want to know, don’t forget there’s our training here, there’s our e-books and also all the links I mentioned travel insurance digital account so you can save even more so on your trip hi oome for example you go from one country to another you don’t need to convert currency Imagine you go to Switzerland you have to convert it to Swiss franc you go to Croatia you have to convert it to Euro and several other places you won’t need convert Beauty I hope you enjoyed it, subscribe here, activate notifications, there will also appear at the end of several itinerary videos that I talked about here in the video, which will give you a little more knowledge about the countries, Beauty, I’ll stop here A big hug, I went


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